There are not many surprises here, but Center offers great escapism.
There are not many surprises here, but Center offers great escapism into a close-knit Galveston, TX, community of beloved teachers, students, and friends with an ending you can see coming but are glad to see take shape all the same.
Much of this didn’t hold together for me. There were so many lapses in logic, absurd occurrences, and nonsensical details that I was distracted from what I love most about Center’s writing, her great dialogue and characters who are full of heart.
I loved how much heart was in this story but found myself distracted by my disbelief. I just didn't believe the characters would do and say the things they did.
I received a prepublication copy of this book from St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

What did you think?
I felt far more connected to and caught up in Center's Things You Save in a Fire.
Have you read other books by Center? How do you think this one compares?